Our expertise

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Trusted third party

PAXTER offers unique moments of support for taking a step back. The aim is to provide a benevolent, qualified and critical view of a trusted third party on a specific issue or in a particular context.

Outside view

This service means PAXTER’s expertise within reach, condensed into small projects.


It is aimed at any management team at a faculty, university, college, training or research structure, to help them take a step back from specific issues that they know they are facing but that day-to-day operational management does not allow them to tackle.

The modus operandi is always tailor-made and based on dialogue. Experts who have held positions of responsibility in the field concerned (medicine, engineering, management, etc.) will work with you to provide a concise diagnosis of the issues at stake.


PAXTER’s experts, either individually or in pairs, will guide you to a more serene and balanced practice of your duties and responsibilities. They also help you navigate through crises or transition phases.

  • Leadership coaching
    A leader’s ability to step back from their function, and all the pressure, risks and dilemma that come with it, is an extremely valuable asset. It is both the token of their long-term professional success, and of their personal balance.
  • Induction accelerator
    The moment when an expert takes on the role of manager is extremely delicate not only due to the impossibility of maintaining their level of expertise in their field, but also because of the new obligations, double binds, and new conflicts they have to deal with and for which their status as an expert had little preparation.

    Intended for better conducting two opposing activities simultaneously: the uninterrupted management of current affairs and a long-term strategic vision.



Within an organisation or team facing a situation of transition, crisis or conflict – open or latent - PAXTER’s experts act as moderators, facilitators or mediators to channel creativity, (re)establish dialogue and help foster solutions.

This service is designed for groups taken individually (boards of directors, work councils) or in pairs (management teams-boards of directors, or chairmen-CEOs) to help them find their way towards mutual understanding.

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Strategic consulting

How will the higher education systems around the world evolve in the next ten years? How will the ever-increasing higher education demand in countries combining strong demographic growth and economic development be managed, while in some rich countries the number of students will decrease? Which sustainable economic models will arise? How will the continuing education segment evolve? Will rankings keep the same normative function? How can a higher education ecosystem transform a territory? Which curriculum should be used in a specific programme? Each and every higher education institution finds itself at the crossroads of these questions, on the very tangible questions of pedagogical models, its financial equilibrium, the degrees it confers, its research or its international action, etc. In the fulfilment of its educative mission, each institution shapes mental structures and future skills for their students, along with all the responsibilities and hopes associated with this role. Paxter supports its clients in their questioning, by conducting an ever-unique strategic conversation, rooted in a systemic understanding of these issues. Building a well-reasoned ambition and making it possible to be fulfilled.
PAXTER supports you on seven key issues:


  • Quality benchmark and/or pricing of the course/training offer
  • Improving the course/training offer
  • Developing new curricula: opportunity analysis, feasibility study, educational engineering and/or search for partnerships
  • Accreditation / Certification
  • Tuition fee and social equity policies
  • Recruitment strategies
  • Educational engineering for social inclusion
  • Entrepreneurship training
  • Strategic audit
  • Design of a strategic plan for a given period (5 years, 10 years…), and staff development
  • Governance issues
  • Educational and financial efficiency
  • Financial resources
  • Self-assessment and team assessment processes
  • HR policies in academic institutions
  • Inclusion of communication in strategic thinking
  • Sustainable development and social responsibility
  • Implementing government reforms
  • Opportunity study for mergers and partnerships
  • Revision of legal statutes
  • Strategy in favour of training and/or research for local communities
  • Creation of a new academic institution or campus
  • Diversification of higher education and/or research institutions
  • International strategies
  • Internationalisation of the course/training offer
  • Recruitment of international students
  • Establishment of offshore campuses: project management, legal advice, partnerships, educational engineering, architectural planning
  • International certifications
  • Fostering partnerships between academic institutions and companies
  • Professionalisation, work-based education, hybrid curricula
  • Continuing education and training strategy for employees (academic institutions or companies)
  • Establishment of continuing education and training structures, and corporate universities
  • Companies going into initial and/or continuing education and training
  • Funding partnerships
  • CSR actions in higher education and research
  • Mergers: mediation and legal advice
  • Due diligences
  • Organisational mediation: dual organisations, mergers, governance
  • Conflicts of interest: analysis and management
  • Ethical challenges
  • Consistency-based diagnosis and legal assistance
  • Trusted third party for sensitive negotiations
  • Structuring a research policy
  • Optimising research teams (structure and organisation)
  • HR policies for research
  • Forms of scientific partnerships and contracts
  • Valorisation, transfer, and entrepreneurship policies
  • Assistance in finding financing
  • Promoting entrepreneurship in the academic world
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Educational engineering

PAXTER’s experts work together with you to invent new academic or training programmes or improve existing ones, with a constant focus on educational innovation and professionalisation.

Upstream, PAXTER is at the disposal of growing, changing or future institutions to explore what already exists and identify tomorrow's needs by conducting opportunity and feasibility studies. PAXTER has built up a rigorous method for this fundamental phase of strategic diagnosis, involving national and/or international benchmarking of competing training courses, surveys of economic, administrative and social players considered relevant, apprehension of the most promising areas for innovation... among others.

During the programme (re)design phase, the skills of our experts are mobilised to create a coherent educational system, in terms of both training objectives and human, technical and architectural resources. This is the demanding stage when the educational model and the business plan are drawn up together.

At the end of the process, PAXTER helps these new programmes to gain accreditation from the relevant authorities, and even to recruit the people in charge of them.

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PAXTER invests part of its time and skills in the production of original knowledge. As well as nourishing the team’s practice, this research is made available to higher education players, public authorities and the general public via our publications.

297. 5 M

The world’s student population in 2035, according to PAXTER’s forecast.

+ 239%

The increase in Nigeria’s student population between 2017 and 2035, according to PAXTER’s forecast.

$1,000 M

The minimal increase in spending of Turkish households for Higher Education in 2024 compared to 2017, according to PAXTER’s estimates.
Overview of some PAXTER’s major fields of research:
  • Higher education and employability: studies of correlation, or lack thereof, between youth education attainment levels and their access to employment, based on international comparative studies.
  • Student demographics: modelling exploring the links between economic development and access to higher education. The aim is to predict the world’s total student population in the next 15 years, their distribution across disciplines as well as their families’ capacity to invest in their studies. This research covers 76 countries, representing over 90% of the world’s youth.
  • Efficient use of educational resources: development of quantitative methods to allow optimizing the usage of educational resources. An institution having already set its strategic priorities, the best resource mix on one hand, the most efficient way to use these on the other hand, will be defined to achieve its specific objectives.
  • Comparative studies of worldwide higher education systems, their access and regulations.